Thursday, June 29, 2006
This is a wide shot of the right wall (about 2/3rds of it). it is satisfying to see it fill out so well and it is only the end of June. When the Black Eyed Susans start to bloom .. that zing of yellow gold will show nicely. The Pink Turtlehead will join the pinks of the astilbes to the left of the Bittersweet arbor.
I have White Swan Echinacea blended with the Lady in Red fern, under the Sumac tree. So a little "white" to lighten the colours there as well.
Almost every time I have read a description of Bee Balm/Monarda .. the term "shaggy heads" is incorporated .. I have to say it suits them to a tee.
This paricular one is supposed to be more resistant to powdery mildew .. I really hope so because that was one reason why I didn't replenish it a few years ago when it faded out .. or should I say .. was PULLED out from annoyance of that wicked mildew problem ! haha
Fingers crossed this one will prevail !
Sunday, June 25, 2006
The Sutherland Gold cutleaf Sambucus/Elderberry is the fastest growing of the four varieties that I have in the back garden. I have high hopes for "Black Lace" though .. I may move it next year so it is closer to this one and will really play off each others assests. It was recommended as the poor man's version of a Japanese Maple .. I guess I will have to wait until next year to see if it lives up to such praise ? In the mean time the gold cutleaf is remarkable to me.
Friday, June 23, 2006
This is a beautiful little perennial geranium Heronswood .. I think .. when you have a lot of plants, some names escape you ! haha
It looks very delicate but it is actually quite hardy. I have it on the edge of a garden "island" it is really meant for a nice rock garden. One of those plants you don't really expect much from but catch your eye anyways !
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yhis is an awkward picture with the Maple tree trunk smack in the middle .. but it gives a better point of view of how my planting from a few years ago has come along with the evergreens.
My intent was to hide our AC unit but I managed to put some colour into it as well. I really like to see diversity in textures, shapes and colours !
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
This viburnum flower reminds me of the lace cap flowers of hydrangeas. I finally planted a "Little Lamb" hydrangea in the house border bed .. I can't wait to see how the flowers look. As the name implies, the flowers are the shape of little lambs tails.
Even though this is a common viburnum .. I think the flowers are very pretty !