
I have been completely smitten by my garden and admire all efforts to create a little piece of Eden in other garden spaces. It truly has a positive impact on people .. even if it is only for a few moments at a time. My little garden is in zone 5b but most gardeners experiment with plants that may just make it from a higher zone .. a micro-climate can some times cushion a tender plant. I am a plant 'collector" I have more of a plant zoo than a designed garden. : )

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This is a native Iris that I planted over two years ago .. it would form nice neat foliage but never bloomed until now .. when they die down the Karly Rose fountain grass will fill the space nicely .. Especially with the new obelisk over it for vertical height and interest.

The Purple Sandcherry shrub really satnds out in this spot especially as the sun moves west. It makes a great impact mixing dark and light shrubs in the right spots to take advantage of the lighting as the day progresses.

This is the left side of the back garden border viewed from the deck. it has filled in nicely. the wood border planks aren't what I would have if I could afford some nice stone bricks as I have in the front. It does keep things under control though !

Saturday, May 27, 2006

This orange geum has a striking blue/purple salvia on the left hand side. The combination is so vibrant ! .. and when continually dead headed they will bloom almost all summer. A gorgeous pairing of striking colours really has the "wow" factor !

Friday, May 26, 2006

I have quite a few different ferns which are perfect for the shady areas .. behind this one is a large Royal fern that makes a very lush impact in the corner area .. the drift wood is one of my favorite obsessions as well. The variety of colors and textures compliments the plants .. large river stone rocks add to a more natural setting .

We have a double feeder for the American Gold Finches .. it amazes and entertains us continually, watching them with their brilliant colours and song capability.

How can I possibly improve on this golden rule ?

Another garden whimsy to enjoy !

Thursday, May 25, 2006

This is Pink Skyrocket huecherella ( if I remember correctly) amazing little plant. Silver Scrolls huechera picks up some of the pink as well.

This light blue veronica is a pretty contrast in colour and form against the gold hyssop. I wish I could remember what veronica it is !

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Northern Lights Azalea colour is difficult to show in pictures .. it is such an intense orange/coral colour. Wonderful contrast with the deutzia lime green and tiny white flower buds.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The "Lady in Red" fern is one of my favorites and contrasts nicely with the gold of the spirea ... along with the Silver Scrolls heauchera .. Pink Skyrocket heucherella with its little spike flowers up already .. this Spring has been amazing with such rapid growth of all the plants and trees !

Friday, May 19, 2006

The golden oregano adds to that shot of gold along with the Sutherland Gold Sambucus in this afternoon shade part of the border.

Solomon's Seal is one plant you have to have patience for .. this one takes time to mature .. I have the varigated version and it is well worth the time but so little effort, the foliage is pretty for most of the season.

There is alsways room for a bit of "garden whimsy" Some small detail to make you smile while gazing at the plants .. this little guy did that for me ! : )

Northern Lights Azalea almost ready to bloom. It is a pretty contrast to the lime green of the Deutzia with its own flowers also ready to unfold.

There is a pink astilbe to the left and hopefully the Doubledecker Echinacea to the right will show the double flower head this year.

The white Trilliums have been beautiful .. they multiply very slowly .. this is from one plant almost 3 years ago .. the red one is still just a single plant and not as large a flower. I'm happy to have them in my garden though .. an Ontario garden should have at least one ? : )

This French Lilac was a nice surprise .. a case of buying a plant not in bloom but crossing my fingers that it would be what I assumed ... I have had a few plants that have been mislabeled .. some for the good .. but also so for the "darn" !

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quiet Time

This is a little piece of "quiet contemplation" at the back corner of the garden. The meditation Buddha is perfect for a moment of appreciation.
A Japanese friend suggested that pansies would be the most suitable plant to have in this area, simple yet beautiful .

Our "4" type apple tree went totally mad this Spring .. we have never had so many blossoms .. the question is .. will there be that many apples ? !