
I have been completely smitten by my garden and admire all efforts to create a little piece of Eden in other garden spaces. It truly has a positive impact on people .. even if it is only for a few moments at a time. My little garden is in zone 5b but most gardeners experiment with plants that may just make it from a higher zone .. a micro-climate can some times cushion a tender plant. I am a plant 'collector" I have more of a plant zoo than a designed garden. : )

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I was late organizing my seeds and planting them .. I have learned a few lessons this year about soil quality .. my mistake was buying soil on sale in November from a landscaping company and over wintering it .. I think it "soured" .. a bargain is not a bargain if it doesn't do the job .. BUT .. in spite of the nasty soil quality I did manage to breath life into some of the seeds and plants. Lesson SO learned !

I hate to repeat myself .. but these Echinaceas are outstanding in height .. literally ! They are out doing the apples in fact .. this poor apple tree has been loaded down like never before and I don't blame it for throwing a few apples at us out of frustration ! Boink !

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This little Spirea shrub next to the (non-blooming Golden Mock Orange .. sigh !) and Campion is staying a "just right" size so far and blooming so well !

It is a must for me to have a good variety of "plants" which include trees, shrubs, and vines along with all the perennials. They are wonderful contrasts to each other and the birds enjoy your yard for it as well !

Orange and purple/violet ? .. these funny looking Liatris/Blazing Stars are a great combination ( or so said by that puzzling colour wheel we are supposed to consult ? haha) The Liatris bloom from the top down and they last nicely for some time without problems from bugs etc .. a standard you can count on in the garden : )

We are still AMAZED with our many grape clusters have formed this season .. especially since we just put this new vine in last year. It is a good thing we have a strong arbor to support them along with the kiwi vines that are as lush.

Little Lamb hydrangea close up .. actually the flower heads are larger than I expected .. nice surprise ! .. I have cut a few for flower arrangement and they are very pretty. The dark wood stained trellis contrasts that wonderful white of the flower .

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Pardon Me" daylily .. another favorite which does well in a not so comfortable situation in the garden .. that is another bonus point of day lilies in general .. they put up with a lot of nonsense from a floundering gardener ! How can you not love this one ?

Gravetye Beauty clematis .. just beginning to open it small tulip like flowers in that wonderful red .. the poor thing has been moved way too many times and I don't deserve a showing of it's lovely flowers .. but I think it is blooming to spite me ? haha

Another day lily I'm not sure of which one it is .. a mind is a terrible thing to lose .. good thing I save plant tags ! ... This one mixes beautifully with the Yellow Wax Bells foliage .. quirky edges and lines. Sort of an off peach .. salmon colour ? Apricot ?

What a bombshell this lily was for me to spot in the back corner of the shade lovers area .. it looks like Casablanca but I'm no expert on these types of lilies .. the white absolutely GLOWS !

Strawberry Candy day lily .. one of my favorites and such a fantastic performer .. multiplying so well I know I have to digit up and split it next Spring ... the problem will be .. where on earth am I going to put those extra babies !

A surprise Rudbeckia from last year popped up this year .. I thought it was an annual ! .. Now I have to search through last years plant tags to find out what this little wonder is ! Events like this do a gardener GOOD .. haha : )

Bi-coloured Monkshood .. more of a twining monkshood .. it actually rests on some astilbe and day lily foliage .. weaving it way around the plants. The splash of variagated blue and white colour catches the eye .. in a sea of pink and green it occupies .. nice !

Globe Thistle next to my ornamental kiwi vine. It looks like a scary weed .. but truly an interesting plant for the sun border .. it can take a lot of neglect and still look captivating .. you just want to touch the spikey flower head to see what it feels like !

Blue Angel .. what a gorgeous rose ! .. the colour is amazing and the scent is very light but wonderful ! .. this rose took a little longer to bud out and bloom .. but definately worth the wait .. highly recommended .. and safe in zone 5b. Well .. I'll find out next Spring for sure ?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The view from the deck through the sunflowers ! They have grown so tall this is how we have to look at part of the garden .. peeking through the sunflower jungle !

Engelmann Ivy can take a bit of work to manage and maintain. However it is a wonderful living green privacy screen that is amazing in the Autumn. The brilliant colours of the leaves and the blue berries are wonderful .. a feast for the eyes and the birds who love it !

The first Black Eyed Susan emerging in front of the colourful Spirea shrub .. the garden is moving through it's stages rather quickly now. It is a must to have plants for each period. To look forward to seeing them reach their bloom period is a treat well appreciated !

Native "Virgin's Bower" took quite some time to reach up to the deck .. then for it to be woven through the deck bench, with some help .. tiny white flowers have been blooming on it as well. Living art arranged to reveal it's beauty !

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Treats from the garden. Goldilocks Rudbeckia fabulous frilly flowers with that deep yellow orange. Little Lamb hydrangea with a marvelous day lily and deep pink Echinaceas. You can't help but smile at your own home made bouquets !

Garden suppliers are finally getting a little more artistic with plant supports . This one that my Huewitts Double Meadowrue is clinging to, reminds me of Gothic architecture style ... eye catching and functional .. dual purpose and pleasing to the eye !

These Chinensis Astilbes look like candles burning with a bright light .. they are a great support system to other plants as well. Strawberry Candy rests its leaves on it .. and Bi-coloured Monkshood weaves its way among the many fern like leaves. I really appreciate a multi-purpose plant !

First sunflower of the season .. not a large head but such pretty colours .. the colours of Autumn so I am a fan immediately ! .. It is this time of the year you begin to wish for cooler temperatures .. relief from the sticky humidity .. a chance to enjoy the garden rather than quickly do what is needed and get into AC as soon as possible !

Grapes Grapes Grapes !

We have a WOW ! factor to our grape vine of two years .. it is a much hardier type for Ontario .. smaller shiny leaves .. thicker more resiliant .. and does this cultivar produce grapes !

My "Lady in Red" fern is trapped behind this Sumac tree .. I had no idea it would get as large as it has .. I would like to get it out with as little trauma as possible and have it in a larger space so it can be appreciated for the beauty it is.

Side view of a few different Echinaceas .. they seem to survive well in a slightly shady part of the garden. Morning sun afternoon shade .. this side seems to be more tidy .. easier to keep under control than the sun side.

At last my orange lilies have decided it is time to bloom .. they are later than most because there is limited sun in this area of the garden .. but what a hit of colour in a shady corner !

Monday, July 17, 2006

Echinaceas and apples !

This "Bright Star" Echinacea is amazingly TALL .. it is pushing up through our little apple tree to keep the apples company ? haha .. it is quite unusual and an odd match but certainly appreciated !

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Colours are not as bright just after rain .. but this is more of a foliage perspective. The Karly Rose grass growing within this obelisk is going to be a full fountain affect later in the season. The Blue Fescue shows up nicely in a few places to break up the "green". A touch of blue on the tips of the lavender by the lobster trap. The amazing grape vine loaded with grape clusters is only on its second year. Hardy Kiwi vines fill in the lattice sides of the arbor. A full lush affect was what I was after and it is coming along very well.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The front bed is filling out nicely. I'm glad to have planted such a variety of colours to take advantage of the black mulch as the back ground. It really helps illuminate those beautiful hues each individual plant generates. I'll probably regret some of them .. crowding will be an issue. For now I'll just enjoy the chaos of colours and textures !

Strawberry Candy daylily in the midst of later blooming astilbe, Liatris, buds of the bicoloured Monkshood and Purple Sandcherry. I love having borders that are jammed packed no matter what other opinions are on the subject !

Little Lamb hydrangea .. replaced a very tired cedar shrub this Spring. The Peach astilbe to the right has lost its colour by now but they were a pretty combination while it lasted. I'm pleased with this little hydrangea tucked into this raised bed by the house. It is all the written information said it would be .. another smile !

Summer Night false sunflower paired with Party Girl mallow .. I just planted Summer Night this year and love it for the red stems and center. A little more of an eye catcher than my native false sunflower .. and combined with Party Girl they truly compliment each other in colour. Some plants just make you SMILE ! : )

The Golden Jubilee Hyssop has been a very pleasent surprise this year. When I planted it last year I wasn't planning on it surviving the winter and when it surfaced I wasn't sure what it was with such striking crimson foliage at first. It is one striking plant to watch through out the season !

I can't resist the beautiful affect of the rain drops on Cjinese Scholar. When I brought my camera out of the house it actually fogged up because of the heat/humidity outside. After the rain pictures can be very special.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The "Yellow Wax Bells" are holding their own against the Bittersweet vine, day lily, Black Eyed Susans .. a bit crowded but gorgeous all the same ! It produced flowers last year just after I planted it .. hope to see some soon this year as well !

Monday, July 10, 2006

This is a bit too bright... but the "Sundown" Echinacea with the pink Malva in the back and the Lady in Red Fern in upper right hand side fills the area in lush green foliage to off set the amazing colours that this echinacea will produce through the season. A nice find late last season during my garden center hunting days !

Beautiful morning light illuminating part of the garden .. perfect time of the day along with twilight. When there is stillness and peace to enjoy with a sigh of satisfaction. I am master of my own little domaine ? haha Sometimes you have to take the time to pause from working and thinking of future plans, to just appreciate what has evolved to that moment in time.

One of the my new daylilies this year is Chinese Scholar and finally a picture with an open flower with that hint of white edging .. it is a rebloomer and I know it will be an eye catcher through out the season.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

My quiet corner of meditation. The colour yellow/gold is auspicious for the Buddah .. my Japanese friend said it was a good luck planting in fact. So I'm happy to have found the Bowels Golden grass a new home that will generate positive vibrations ? : )

My husband asked "what on earth is that flower?" .. he could actually see it from our deck because the colour is so intense. When I said "Chinese Scholar" double flowered reblommer day lily.. he said "how can you remember all these plant names" and I forget what my own phone number is ? .. is this a standard question to gardeners or what?? ! haha

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A redhead among the blondes ? Sometimes I forget what I put where, but nice bright surprises like this are treats to see. I have to rearrange the "too many" yellow daylilies to tone the garden down a bit !

I'm still in love with these Big Sky beauties .. Sunrise .. they are going to be a standard I can count on and enjoy fro a very long time.

The Black Eyed Stella daylily behind them isn't too shabby either ! haha

That almost neon bright RED of this Monarda/Bee Balm is hard to capture in photos. It is show cased among all the greenery of the other plant's foliage and really jumps out at you .. It is perfect for the darker corner of my garden, along with the yellow/golds of the Sambucus and the Carex Bowels Golden planted by my meditation Buddah .. my Japanese friend said the colour yellow or gold, is the right one for such a display .. it bodes good fortune !

The Hewitt's Double Meadow Rue is not in bloom yet .. but this mass of airy delicat foliage is amazingly strong and a pretty contrast to the pink veronica next to it. One of the nice 'filler" plants to have in the border !

Alien looking "Hen's & Chicks" go through a cycle of sending up a generous sized stalk to flower and complete that mother plant's life .. the babies will take over from that point. Talk about a strange looking display ! haha

I couldn't resist this shot of the Pixie Meadowbrite with the Happy Returns. These amazing dwarf coneflowers have huge cone heads with dots of yellow in them. they are strong sturdy little treasures and I'm very glad to have them !