
I have been completely smitten by my garden and admire all efforts to create a little piece of Eden in other garden spaces. It truly has a positive impact on people .. even if it is only for a few moments at a time. My little garden is in zone 5b but most gardeners experiment with plants that may just make it from a higher zone .. a micro-climate can some times cushion a tender plant. I am a plant 'collector" I have more of a plant zoo than a designed garden. : )

Monday, May 21, 2007

New Blog for 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I hate to see these doves that just started a nest in our neighbors rain gutter .. poor birds are going to be washed out .. they just began the nest so hopefully they will move on before eggs are laid .. rain is supposed to happen today .. but weather forecasts have NOT been right about that in ages !

So much to do !

May 10th .. The weather has been great but where is the rain ? .. the garden could really use it and the thought of dragging that hose around is not a nice one .. haha.
Found White Pearl Bugbane for the back corner in a shady area ... needed something tall and dramatic and wonderful in the Autumn to see ! .. this is a total of 3 now and placed all along the back fence .. finally some continuity ?

I still have to top up soil in the raised beds .. sprinkle a little Sheep "gold" ? haha .. set things off on the right foot to flourish .. I so want to see a garden jungle take place ..
This year is more one of maintenance than plant hunting .. although I still keep an eye out for the "strange and unusual" .. can't help it .. no gardener can so we are hopeless plant addicts no matter what boundaries we set out for ourselves .. LOL

I have fallen behind in photos and considering starting a new blog because I'm afraid this one may be too big .. I guess I have to wait and see ?
: )

Thursday, May 03, 2007


May 3rd Thursday

Weather is sunny but still a bit cool .. no rain for days and none for some time to come .. garden is beginning to green up but a lot of work to be done yet .. plant hunting for herbs .. soil to be bought and top up areas .. and pots ! The Goldfinches have been permanent lodgers on our feeder. They are such beautiful little birds ! So happy they "like" us and our garden !
