
I have been completely smitten by my garden and admire all efforts to create a little piece of Eden in other garden spaces. It truly has a positive impact on people .. even if it is only for a few moments at a time. My little garden is in zone 5b but most gardeners experiment with plants that may just make it from a higher zone .. a micro-climate can some times cushion a tender plant. I am a plant 'collector" I have more of a plant zoo than a designed garden. : )

Friday, January 26, 2007

The early morning light was not quite bright enough to shake this "blue" cast to the picture .

Vey pretty in any case .. snow covering the vines and trees I have 'squeezed" into a small area .. I'm looking froward to Spring when they bud and fill out for the summer ..

Our Crimson King Maple snow laden on a very quiet morning .. no breeze to knock of the carefully placed snow blanket.

Finally snow has fallen on the garden .. the Karley Rose grass is leaning away from the obelisk and we can actually see it now .. this grass was enormous during the late summer and Autumn .. so pretty ! ... One plant that truly stands up to its description !